Thursday, 16 December 2010

101216 RIBA Publication

Our Crescent Road project has been selected as a featured project in next years RIBA's London 2011 publication and will be published late January 2011

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

101203 Coombe Lane Project Complete

Our project in Coombe Lane has now reached practical completion. The largest element to this project was the frameless glass structure and elegant swiss glazing system, specified because of its minimal framing.

Monday, 22 November 2010

101122 outside room

This simple fixed external structure proposed for a project in Richmond creates an internal / external living space which unifies and gives privacy to this outside room.

101122 successful planning appeal

We have successfully obtained planning consent via appeal for a project in Teddington , overturning Richmond Council's decision associated with a Tree Preservation Order. The proposal will incorporate a suspended steel ring beam on screw-piles to enable construction within the root protection zone

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

101110 project in sheen - design stage

Illustrated above is our proposed design development for this project in Sheen, Richmond. The 2 storey proposal incorporates a zinc box which houses a frameless glass window seat to provide a permanent fixed seating area for morning sun

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

101027 Glazing Installed on Coombe Lane Project

The feature 3.5 x 2.6m double glazed unit weighing 0.5 tonne was craned over the house and installed today on our project in Coombe Lane , Kingston.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

101015 office trip to 'Homewood'

Friday afternoon office trip to see Patrick Gwynnes 1930's modernist villa in Esher. Some lovely detailing, still relevant today. A good end to the week!

100910 office move

Finally enjoying our new studio space after 8 years in the old office in Surbiton High Street. Already proving to be a more enjoyable workplace and is only 2 mins from the river!